What is a case manager?
Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs that are specific in nature through communication and available resources to promote patient safety, quality of care, and cost effective outcomes.
Who Uses Case Management Services:
- Individuals
- Families
- Banks and Trust Officers
- Financial Planners
- Physicians and Allied Health Professionals
- Claims Adjusters
- Attorneys
- Insurance companies
Expert Help for Specific and Unique Needs
- Medical Cost Containment
- Home Health Care Evaluation
- Medical Care Evaluation and Coordination
- Discharge Planning
- Coordination of treatment/therapy in the hospital, home or an alternative care facility
- Comprehensive Independent Medical Reviews
- Rehabilitation Assessment – including: diagnosis assessment, current and future treatment needs, potential complications and anticipated residual physical limitations

At Guided Life Care Planning Services (GLCPS), our core compentencies are Life Care Planning, Litigation Support, and Vocational Services. Within these areas of expertise we provide patient advocacy and support working closely with all parties involved as one cohesive unit with one common goal of health, wellness, and independence.

Guided Life Care Planning Services is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, cost effective services possible. We accept private/out-of-pocket pay. All major credit cards, checks and cash are accepted.